This morning I was reading Isaiah 12-17 and it’s in Chapter 17 where I found myself pausing and meditating on verses 10 and 11. I came to a complete stop. Throughout most of the read I kept thinking that so much of this is about destruction so what am I going to get from this? Because I promised myself that I would read the Bible in its entirety this next year I kept reading, and if nothing else, I would receive a history lesson somewhere. And there it was, vs. 10 and 11!

I know not everything I read is going to be pleasant, is going to give me some light bulb breakthrough. The Bible is not all cherry picking and loving. It’s filled with stories of war and death, but it’s within these stories that we learn that even through extreme hardships and loss, there is a God who is there for us and to never lose our faith in him. He is our salvation and thankfully this is the most amazing gift we could ever be given. There is no other gift that sets us free and gives us eternal life.

Now back to Isaiah; it’s in these verses 10 and 11 where there is a very valuable lesson (always know that when you keep going [reading], there may be, just may be a “take away” for your day) and that is when we walk away from God to do things on our own and forget that He is our Rock, we will not reap the harvest he has in store for us. Our field may be bright and growing beautifully for a time, but the time will come where the harvest “will flee away in a day of grief and incurable pain.”

He’s telling us here that forgetting Him and our salvation and forgetting that He is our Rock (v. 10), no matter how hard we try, things may eventually just not work out – they may seem like it for a while [your plants may blossom in the morning that you sow] (v. 11), but none of it will last long.

Have you ever worked really hard for something you wanted really bad, only to discover that it’s just not working? You’re realizing that “it” is causing you more and more stress, damaging relationships (not to say there is always growing pains and some discomfort with anything we strive for), etc., and you can’t figure out as to why. I mean, aren’t we supposed to get what we want if we work hard enough for it? If we put it out into the universe and the universe is to respond to our wishes? I used to believe that, but not anymore. The Bible never tells us that we will receive everything that we want, we’re just to ask for it. Yes, the Bible tells us in John 14:14 to “ask me anything in my name, I will do it.” But, and there’s a BIG but here; if what you’re asking is not God’s will

for you, I believe it’s just not going to sustain itself no matter what you do. In other words, the “harvest will flee away . . .” (v. 11).

God’s will will be done. We have heard this many, many times – at least I have; from speaking the Lord’s prayer since I was a child – Matthew 6:10:

Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven

God wants us to consult with him on everything we do. Now of course, you may be doing something that you believe in your heart of hearts that God is telling you to do and it’s just not working no matter what corner you turn, what street you’re on. Certainly, there are times where we have to work harder than we thought, the challenges we face seem to get us in a place of doubt, but we keep going and then it all comes together (the harvest has come and it’s better than you ever thought it could be). I do believe that sometimes we are put to a test to build and strengthen our faith – God never promises us that all is to be easy by believing in Him.

But when things aren’t working and we keep trying and trying and trying until we get so exhausted because we realize there has been this gut feeling, a little voice in side our head, that’s telling us this what I’m to be doing, this is the time I encourage you to go to God in prayer and ask him for his guidance.

I believe verse 10 is telling us when we walk away from God and forget that He is our Rock, things in life will eventually fall and the “harvest will flee away.” (v. 11.)

I hope you don’t walk away and your harvest is full!