Freedom is the Spirit

I hope you’re either finding or have found your freedom is within the Holy Spirit and your amazingly unique relationship with God.  But if you’re still searching, here’s a few thoughts I hope will encourage you to keep walking and not turn away.

So much of our freedom is found in the knowledge and wisdom we gain through our experiences and the many lessons we learn throughout our walk in this life.  I believe our true freedom is found within our relationship with the Holy Spirit and the unconditional love we receive from God.  It’s this freedom that we never have to define who we are by what the world tells us, but instead by what God tells us of who we are.

It’s an interesting to know that God’s Word in His book the “Bible” is over 2,000 years old, has been in print more than any other book, written in more languages than most of us can count, has been celebrated more than any other writing, has been the go-to in times of despair more than any other writing, and is considered by many to be the “Book of Life.”

In this Book of Life, we’re told in Romans 12:2 NOT to conform to the world but be “transformed” by the renewing of our mind.  I certainly don’t believe transformation leads us to violence, destruction and hate – not at all.  In fact, just the opposite.  I believe “transformed” is the renewing of our mind to be more like Christ.  And let’s face it, His mind is all about LOVE!  It’s that simple!  We try so often to speak of the many characteristics on who God is and what he thinks to make things simpler for us – when the truth is, He IS LOVE!  Again, Simple!  But is it always easy to allow the Holy Spirit to transform the way we think of others and ourselves?  From my experience, not so much.  It can be downright hard!  But here’s the thing; the Holy Spirit doesn’t just say “transform” and then runs off leaving us alone standing there in a vacant lot with our hands up in the air all by ourselves wondering where we are and what do we do next.  Again, just the opposite.  He’s with us in every step of transformation that we take, and even if our chosen steps may take us off that path, He’s right there and there is nothing we can ever do or say that will make Him turn away from us.

We can define and make excuses for our words and actions all in the name of God, in the name of love when in fact, they may be far from it.  As our mind begins to be transformed, our words and actions towards ourself and others begins to change ever so slight and soft, and sometimes ever so loud and bold.  Either way, this transformation is guided by the Holy Spirit.

The renewing of our mind often doesn’t happen in a snap, at least it hasn’t for me.  I think that if God had snapped his fingers and I was completely transformed, it would’ve freaked me out, to say the least, and I probably would’ve run in the other direction as fast as I could – because that would be safe and familiar.  But I’ve learned that God knows best, just like the old television show “Father Knows Best.”  The father forgives and loves unconditionally and the father who knows the best way and the perfect timing for each of us in our walk of transforming our mind.

For me true freedom is the ability to be led by the Spirit, not by what someone else is telling me to believe or accept as [their] truth, but by the truth of who I am in Christ Jesus.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Romans 12:2