Lay It On the Cross

Being that it’s Easter weekend, I feel a strong pull to share what it’s become for me in the hopes that you will look at Easter differently and with a much deeper understanding and grateful heart for the life you’ve been given.

Easter falls after Palm Sunday, which commemorates the arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem to then be arrested and crucified – the ultimate sacrifice for you and me. You can go to Matthew 21:1-13 to read more about His arrival.

Now we come upon the following day, Good Friday, when Jesus would be obedient to his father in the most unbelievable and unimaginable ways. When I think of this word “obedient,” there is no other like Jesus Christ. He was perfect in every way, including His obedience to His Father. I for one, don’t believe I would ever sacrifice my life for the entire world the way Jesus did, but I’m incredibly grateful for His obedience.  For me, there’s no word that could possibly describe the suffering and torture He endured for me and for you. He gave of himself so that you and I could have eternal life and live a life of peace and joy in the midst of any trial.

Cottonwood Cove

  There were many years where Easter meant Easter baskets filled with chocolate and candies, coloring eggs and having those infamous Easter egg hunts at my aunt’s house in Pasadena, California, in my pretty Easter dress. And of course, that always followed with a full spread of delicious food made by my Uncle Bob who has always been a great cook in my eyes, even to this day.

As I grew older Easter became the week to pack up the car and drive to “the river.” That’s the Colorado River or more specifically, Lake Mojave or Cottonwood Cove where the party would begin and end all in the sun and on the water with boats, jet skis, beer and all.

It wasn’t until my life changed in a way that I never thought possible that I found myself turning to God for help, for forgiveness and mercy. It’s here where I learned and understood on a completely different level on just what Easter is and the celebration that has gone from what it was to coloring eggs.

It’s Christ’s torturous death upon that cross where He takes up every sin (past or present), every mistake, every wrong so you and I could have life. I know He gave me life again when I was doubtful I would ever get it back. Though hard days never disappeared altogether, He made life bearable and full of hope for the future I so longed for. I would like for you right now to stop reading any further and just sit for a moment and think of the torture and sacrifice Jesus went through for you. Your sins, mistakes, wrongs all died on that day. Think about this for a moment.

In my opinion, one of the best depictions of the crucifixion comes from the series “The Bible.” If you haven’t seen it, I strongly urge you to watch. It’s an amazing depiction that seems right on point exactly how The Bible tells us. Now there are a lot of people who may say “The Passion of Christ” is the best depiction, but it’s the scenes from The Bible that do it for me. I find them extremely difficult to watch and usually have to turn down the sound as the tears fall to the floor as I sit in amazement with a filled and grateful heart for all he did for me.

It was last year that during our Good Friday service that I had the opportunity to write on an index card something(s) I wanted to die on that cross. I was able to walk down myself and hammer my card in. And let me tell you, I hammered and I hammered!! It felt so good!! There were so many people and it took just a few until pretty much everyone was writing, patiently waiting in line to reach that cross and do the same as I did. I remember what was on that card. I hammered in the belief and feeling of shame and unworthiness in the hopes that I would be delivered from these thoughts and receive all of God’s blessings that are in store.

God has a plan for you, uniquely to you. You may have heard me say this before or have seen it in a few of my blogs, and I’ll keep saying it until it sinks in AND You BELIEVE it!  It’s the free will that He gave you that makes the decision.  I hope you choose the plan He has for you. I believe in order for you to move ahead, get passed what you’ve been hanging on to, you need to lay it all out on the cross and walk away with your head held high (and maybe even a few tears.)  It’s my opinion that you will discover your inner treasure.

It’s here where the old you will no longer serve you well.  What do I mean when I say the “old you?” It’s the way that you look at yourself, the words you use when speaking to/about yourself, and how you feel about who you are. I’ll admit, this was not the easiest for me to accept.  It was hard! But I never gave up on me and certainly never gave up on Jesus.

My journey began on that cross. And yes, have I ever gone back to my old thinking, my old ways?  Absolutely I have!! And usually when I do, it’s never good.  It NEVER serves me well at all! All it does is set me back feeling sorry for myself, bringing back shameful and unworthy thoughts – all lies by the way.  None of these thoughts or feelings are anywhere near God’s plan for your life or for mine.

So, take that thought, whatever may have come against you today or yesterday, whatever mistake or sin you’ve done and go hammer it in that cross!

It’s time to rejoice in the goodness of who you are in Jesus Christ and all He sacrificed for you!