Where Is Your Hope?

There was a time where “God was my last hope,” but now “God is my first hope!”

We all put our hope into someone or something.  Some put hope in their paycheck, hope in their employer, hope in the government, hope in their car, hope in their family or friends, hope in anything or everything other than our creator.  I’ve chosen to put my hope in God.  My hope in God that all will receive His healing power, His restoration, His comfort, His love.

So who do you put your hope in?  I have learned by experience and studying God’s word that He has my back and He has a good plan for my life no matter where I’ve been or where I am at this moment.  God works through people all the time to see His plan come to fruition through you and me.

You see, there’s something very special about using up all of your own resources to correct a wrong, resolve a problem, get you out of a bind and/or even rescuing yourself to where all you have left is yourself, in a room, with no one else around.  The silence can be defining.  That’s where I was.  Not knowing which way to turn, not knowing if just a “word” or a telephone call would change my circumstances.  The thing is, it doesn’t matter what my circumstance or your circumstance is.  What matters is the decision to look through the tears, speak through the silence and say “help me.”

Because when all of your own resources, including yourself, have failed, do we have a choice? Yes, I believe we do. My choice was to look to God. To come to God as a child, a child who was asking her father to help her. And believe me, His hands reached out, picked me up and told me “I got ya.” And with that, I found hope. Hope that He would not leave my side, hope that he would take me to the other side of my trial, hope that I would recover and be fully restored, hope that my family would be complete again in all that that means.

Hope! Hope is available to all of us.  Hope is what can get you up in the morning. Hope is what can change your circumstances.  Hope is what can change your life.  Hope is something NO ONE can ever take from you. I understand hope can be difficult to hold onto because we can’t see or touch it.  Hope is believing and putting your faith in someone or something other than yourself.  God has given each of us a free will. With that free will we have a choice to put our hope in Him or in someone else or something of the world.  What’s your choice?

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But when the desire comes,
it is a tree of life.”

Proverbs 13:12