Introducing the Holy Spirit

As you are here today, is your heart heavy? Is something pulling you to look to God, but you’re not sure of the next step? Maybe you’re ready to be re-introduced to the Holy Spirit. If so, you’ve come to the right place.

I’m going to casually introduce you without any formalities. There are no specific rituals that need to take place; no special attire, no specific place you need to be, no better time than now. So, I’d now like to introduce you to the Holy Spirit.

Repeat after me: “Heavenly Father, please forgive me of my sins. I ask you to come into my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

You have now been introduced, or re-introduced, and the Holy Spirit lives inside you. Now was that one of those nerve-wracking introductions that would get you all stressed out? No, I’m sure it wasn’t. It was casual, intimate and forever life changing.

I remember when I first became a born-again Christian. I wasn’t too sure about the process and it seemed a bit strange because there was no one I was standing in front of, no one’s hand to shake, nothing that was tangible.

I had just attended the early Sunday morning service at the Calvary Chapel in Naples, a section of Long Beach, California where I was a wreck and emotional at any given moment. Truth is, at that time in my life all visits to a church were emotional; I couldn’t get through one service without tears falling from my face where I had to use my sleeve to wipe them away because I constantly forgot to bring tissues with me.

On this Sunday morning I was affected in triple to where the minister noticed me (the congregation was very small at this campus). After the service as I was walking down the stairs to my car, I heard a man’s voice calling out to me – “Excuse me, excuse me. May I pray over you?” (Those words may not be exact, but I’m sure you get the picture.) I was so taken back as I turned around and I could tell by the look on his face that he knew I was an emotional wreck.

We stood on the front steps of the building for several minutes as the rest of the congregation was leaving. His kind voice was speaking and the tears once again were falling. Could I ever get through a conversation without them? In those days not so much. I was in a battle, one that I had never experienced before. My future was uncertain and I knew big changes were on the horizon. Changes I had no control over.

The minister prayed over me and then asked me to repeat after him what I’m asking you to repeat (above). I had instantly felt a weight come off my shoulders and had a sense of comfort that I had not experienced until that day. The comfort was from the Holy Spirit because the introduction had been made.

The Holy Spirit will never walk away from a chance of an introduction, even if that introduction is at 10am, 3pm, 2am., doesn’t matter. It’s an introduction where no one else has to be present. It’s just you and Him.

“The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you . . .”
Luke 1:35 (ESV)